Are items ready to ship and do you have promo codes?

 Do you have items in stock and ready to ship?

Your new cabinet will be made to order in your color choice with your handle selection and with your door center. Since each item is made fresh, we don’t have items in stock for immediate delivery. The items you see in our pictures were sold. You can count on your item to look nearly identical to the listing. Of course, if your item is stained, wood grain will vary. All stained pieces have wood grain.

Your trash cabinet or laundry hamper will take several weeks to receive. Seems like forever, but it’s worth the wait. Please keep in mind we are a very small, less than 6 person company and while we work diligently to keep our turn around time under 5 weeks, it is extremely possible to run late. If you have questions, feel free to ask. Also, we greatly appreciate your patience!

Tables and most home items, including stove covers are also made to order. Expect to wait for them to be crafted just for you.

Do you have sales or promo codes?

We like to keep our orders at a manageable level. We are a small company of 6 employees. On occasion, we will have a sale if we feel like we can fulfill orders in a timely manner. Additional discount codes are not valid during sales.The best way to know when our sales are happening is to join our mailing list and follow us on our social media. 

Sale price matching is not available during black Friday-cyber Monday sales.

Sale prices (outside of bfcm) can be price-matched for 3 days after the purchase. If it is after 3 days, no matching will be made.